v3 LandscapePro Editions

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LandscapePro comes in three editions, Standard, Studio, and Studio Max. The Standard edition is intended for more casual users or amateur photographers. The Studio and Studio Max editions are intended for enthusiast or professional users.

This manual covers all editions, with features that are only available in some editions indicated.

The following table shows the main features of LandscapePro, and which editions they are in.

Standard Studio Studio Max
Intelligent editing for landscapes
Automatic area selection
Unique controls that adapt to your photo
Picture controls
Free online support
Read and write JPEG and TIFF format images
64 bit has no limit on image size
Works standalone
Read camera RAW and Adobe DNG format
Read & write TIFFs containing 16 bits per color sample
Supports conversion between different color spaces
Supports setting monitor and working color spaces
Support for JPEG and TIFF embedded color profiles
Available as a Photoshop Smart Filter
Available as a Photoshop Elements plug-in
Available as a Lightroom plug-in
Fast switching between batches of images
Histogram Visualisation

2 thoughts on “v3 LandscapePro Editions”

  1. With the standard edition, will it run as a Lightroom plug in? Also will the standard version read my RAW files?

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