v3 Depth

Shows a tab for Presets of changes made to the whole picture, and a tab for adjusting sliders that adjust the whole picture.

Opacity – adjusts how much the sliders affect the image. When the opacity is 0 there is no effect and the rest of the controls are hidden.

Mid Distance Slider – Adjusts where the Mid Distance applies.

Near – Blocks of color to adjust the color of the near ground in the image. When a block is selected, additional sliders appear to adjust the exact color selected.

Mid – Blocks of color to adjust the color of the mid ground in the image. When a block is selected, additional sliders appear to adjust the exact color selected.

Far – Blocks of color to adjust the color of the far ground in the image. When a block is selected, additional sliders appear to adjust the exact color selected.

Reset Section and Save Sliders

At the bottom of each section are the buttons for Reset Section, and Save Preset.

Save a preset for future use by clicking Save Preset. This opens a box to type a preset name. Click OK to save it as a Preset in that section. Click Cancel to exit the Save Preset box.

Click Reset Section to revert all slider values to 0, undoing all of your changes to that section.
Tip: Toggling the power symbol to the right of a section heading lets you turn your changes on and off without permanently undoing them. This is useful if you want to review your edits.