v3 Atmosphere

Add weather or lens flare effects using the Atmosphere menu.

This menu offers two sections, which can be used independently or together: Weather and Lens Flare.

To begin adding an atmospheric effect, drag the relevant opacity slider. This will now display a drop-down menu from which you can select your effect. To add your own effect, click “Add…” and choose the desired image from your computer.

Resize the atmosphere effect by scrolling with the mouse wheel or using a two-finger scroll on a track-pad.

Position the atmosphere effect by clicking and holding the left mouse button and dragging the mouse pointer.

Click Flip Weather or Flip Overlay to flip the atmosphere effect image horizontally.

v3 Overlay

The Overlay function allows you to add an image over the top of your working image. This could be used, for example, to add a logo or sticker or to create a double-exposure effect.

Import your overlay image by clicking the “Add…” button and selecting the desired image file from your computer.

Resize the overlay by scrolling with the mouse wheel or using a two-finger scroll on a track-pad.

Position the overlay by clicking and holding the left mouse button and dragging the mouse pointer.

Click Flip Overlay to flip the overlay image horizontally.

v3 Save Image

Saving the result

To save an image, click the Save button at the top of the control panel. You can then choose the name and file type you would like to save as.

If you want to return to the editing process later and reload your image and continue adjusting the sliders, you will need to save a Session file. In LandscapePro 3 this is a .lp3 file. This saves the original image, all of the area selections, and all of the sliders values. These .lp3 files can only be opened in LandscapePro 3.

Tip: If you are using LandscapePro as a plug-in the save button will be replaced with a Save and Close button. Clicking this will save your edits and return you to Lightroom or Photoshop. Note that Session files cannot be created from within the plug-in.

v3 Feather Tool

The feather tool softens the selection edge (not the image itself). This is useful if you have soft edges to objects because they are out of focus, for instance. If you find you have feathered a selection edge too much, you can unsoften with the unsoften tool. The Radius slider affects how much the selection is softened.
Repeatedly softening an edge can also progressively make a selection edge softer.

Feather Tool

The feather tool softens the selection edge (not the image itself). This is useful if you have soft edges to objects because they are out of focus, for instance. If you find you have feathered a selection edge too much, you can unsoften with the unsoften tool. The Radius slider affects how much the selection is softened.
Repeatedly softening an edge can also progressively make a selection edge softer.

v3 Labeled Area

Shows a tab for Presets of changes made to the whole picture, and a tab for adjusting sliders to change the whole picture.

Main sliders

The first set of sliders are for quickly tweaking the overall brightness and colors in the image.

Top (Style) Slider – The first slider allows you to apply an overall color, brightness and contrast style to the whole image. The drop down box on the left lets you choose from different color, brightness and contrast styles. For instance, improver will detect what type of landscape you have and intelligently improve it. Other options let you apply the colors and shades of sunset or dusk for instance.

Style Contrast – This slider bellow lets you tweak how much change there is to the brightness and contrast from the style slider without affecting the colors. When it is at 0, only the hue and saturation of the pixels will be changed, when it is at 1 the brightness of the pixels will be changed to the maximum amount specified by the style slider.


Contrast – Adjusts the amount of difference between the light and dark area in the image.

Hi/Low Key – When set to 1, it will turn the image into a high key image, with generally bright colors and good contrast. When set to -1 it will turn the image into a low key image with generally dark colors and extreme contrast. At 0 it has no effect.

Fill Light – Used to brighten, especially in underexposed areas.

Exposure Recovery – Fixes over exposed areas, if there are any.

Blacks – Darkens the blacks in the area to make the image more punchy.





Vibrance – Increases the intensity of colorful areas while grayer areas are changed less.

Saturation – Increases or decreases the intensity of all the colors in the image.

Colorfulness – Makes an image more colorful by increasing the intensity and range of colors.

Temperature – Sliding to the right warms the image, making it more red, sliding to the left cools the image making it bluer.

Tint – Adjusts the tint of the image. Sliding to the right makes the image greener, to the left, more magenta.

Reset Section and Save Sliders

Clicking the Reset Section will set all the sliders in the section to zero making the section have no effect.

Save Preset opens a box to name a preset. Type a preset name then press OK to save a preset. The preset stores all the slider values and drop down choices.

This will then be available to you now and when you next open the software to use again.

Labeled Area

Shows a tab for Presets of changes made to the whole picture, and a tab for adjusting sliders to change the whole picture.

Main sliders

The first set of sliders are for quickly tweaking the overall brightness and colors in the image.

Top (Style) Slider – The first slider allows you to apply an overall color, brightness and contrast style to the whole image. The drop down box on the left lets you choose from different color, brightness and contrast styles. For instance, improver will detect what type of landscape you have and intelligently improve it. Other options let you apply the colors and shades of sunset or dusk for instance.

Style Contrast – This slider bellow lets you tweak how much change there is to the brightness and contrast from the style slider without affecting the colors. When it is at 0, only the hue and saturation of the pixels will be changed, when it is at 1 the brightness of the pixels will be changed to the maximum amount specified by the style slider.


Contrast – Adjusts the amount of difference between the light and dark area in the image.

Hi/Low Key – When set to 1, it will turn the image into a high key image, with generally bright colors and good contrast. When set to -1 it will turn the image into a low key image with generally dark colors and extreme contrast. At 0 it has no effect.

Fill Light – Used to brighten, especially in underexposed areas.

Exposure Recovery – Fixes over exposed areas, if there are any.

Blacks – Darkens the blacks in the area to make the image more punchy.





Vibrance – Increases the intensity of colorful areas while grayer areas are changed less.

Saturation – Increases or decreases the intensity of all the colors in the image.

Colorfulness – Makes an image more colorful by increasing the intensity and range of colors.

Temperature – Sliding to the right warms the image, making it more red, sliding to the left cools the image making it bluer.

Tint – Adjusts the tint of the image. Sliding to the right makes the image greener, to the left, more magenta.

Reset Section and Save Sliders

Clicking the Reset Section will set all the sliders in the section to zero making the section have no effect.

Save Preset opens a box to name a preset. Type a preset name then press OK to save a preset. The preset stores all the slider values and drop down choices.

This will then be available to you now and when you next open the software to use again.

v3 Soften Tool

The soften tool softens the selection edge (not the image itself). This is useful if you have soft edges to objects because they are out of focus, for instance. If you find you have softened a selection edge too much, you can unsoften with the unsoften tool. The Radius slider affects how much the selection is softened.
Repeatedly softening an edge can also progressively make a selection edge softer.

Soften Tool

The soften tool softens the selection edge (not the image itself). This is useful if you have soft edges to objects because they are out of focus, for instance. If you find you have softened a selection edge too much, you can unsoften with the unsoften tool. The Radius slider affects how much the selection is softened.
Repeatedly softening an edge can also progressively make a selection edge softer.

Tree & Sky Tool

The Tree & Sky selection tool is available once you have dragged in both Tree and Sky labels. The tool is used to automatically find and label areas of the image as either tree or sky. If you drag over a complex area where trees are silhouetted against the sky, the trees will be automatically labeled tree and the sky automatically labeled sky. The area it looks for tree and sky in is determined automatically, but will tend to search in larger areas if you are dragging quickly. It is important to have good sky selections if you are making dramatic changes to the sky.